Maintenance and Care
Highly effective flow improver for light heating oil (EL) and diesel fuel, especially for summer and transitional products.
Multifunctional fuel system cleaner for all diesel engines.
special lubricant based on the proven AUTOL TOP 2000 Super Longtime Grease.
Amberfarbiges Korrosionsschutzmittel in Spraydosen für Hohlräume von Automobilen, LKW und Bussen.
Kühlerschutz silikatfrei ist ein speziell für Alumotoren entwickeltes Kühlerschutzmittel. Für Sommer und Winter mit Frost- und Rostschutzwirkung.
Glasklar-Spray stellt sich als vielseitig verwendbares, hochwirksames Reinigungsmittel dar, das Flecken schnell und schonend entfernt.

Our care and maintenance category has a very complex structure. In addition to standard products for car and motorcycle care, you will also find additives, grease guns, technical sprays and oil cans. There are sometimes different products depending on the type of engine. Manufacturers such as Motul, Presto and Elaskon have made a name for themselves in this area and supply materials of the highest quality. Since we have a very broad base, we present you with several alternatives to most items. If you have any questions about the correct use of our products, our highly trained specialists will be happy to provide you with advice and assistance. Oel-Engel is your full-service partner when it comes to car care.